"Behold the Lamb of God
  which taketh away the sin of the world!"
John 1:29
Grace Bible Church is a little congregation of believers in Greenwood, Mississippi. Conservative and traditional, we believe and preach every word of the Scriptures, exulting most of all in Christ's Gospel of sovereign Grace.

Our Stand for the Honor of the Savior

Friday, May 30, 2008, the Greenwood Little Theater began performing the blasphemous rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar." This production portrays Jesus as a foolish, misguided, immoral celebrity who didn't know why he had to die.

Particularly troubling was the fact that this performance took place right next door to our church house on Sycamore Avenue here in Greenwood.

We publicly called upon all Christians to stand against this insult and disrespect for the Lord of Glory, our Savior. Below is more information about how we stood up for the Lord Jesus, details of the offensive nature of the performance, and examples of our outreach during this time of public protest:

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