"Behold the Lamb of God
  which taketh away the sin of the world!"
John 1:29
Grace Bible Church is a little congregation of believers in Greenwood, Mississippi. Conservative and traditional, we believe and preach every word of the Scriptures, exulting most of all in Christ's Gospel of sovereign Grace.

Our Gospel of John Project for 2009

December 2009, Grace Bible Church mailed an attractive copy of the Gospel of John to every household in the city and suburbs of Greenwood.

The Gospel of John tells the story of how the God of Glory sent His Son to be the Savior of His people. In this gospel there is found the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection from the grave.

This gospel tells lost sinners how they can be reconciled to God, forgiven of their sins, and receive the promise of eternal life forever.

That blessed salvation may be obtained by any sinner who trusts in the Lord Jesus as his prince and savior. By Jesus' death in the sinner's place, He has done away with the guiltiness of sin and the wrath of God's judgment. Jesus is the substitute sacrificed in the sinner's place. When any sinner claims by faith that sacrifice, and relies upon the obedience and shed blood of Jesus for salvation, that sinner is completely forgiven and reconciled to God!

Indeed, the Gospel of John is "Good News" for lost men and women and boys and girls.

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