What We BelieveOurs is an independent, non-denominational church. We are traditional, conservative, and try to pattern ourselves after the churches of the apostles in the first century. We hold the Bible as our only authority and believe it is without error as the Word of God. Salvation is by repentance and faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, His death on the cross, and resurrection from the dead. He is the Head of the church, and those who believe in this good news for salvation (the Gospel) are to be baptized by immersion as a picture of our death and resurrection in Christ. We remember His death and the Gospel each Lord's Day at the communion table as part of our worship. Christians are to order their lives and families according to the Word of God. For this reason, we try to teach and preach the entire Bible from cover to cover. We believe at death we enter God's presence and will return with the Lord when he comes to this earth to establish righteousness and justice under the Rule of Christ. All believers are in Christ's universal church and are obligated to gather with fellow believers in local congregations for worship, study, prayer, fellowship, and the proclamation of the Gospel to the world. These are the bare essentials of Classical Christianity. Come and join us and learn about all that God has revealed in His Son and His Word. |
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