A Sermon Outlining Our Opposition
to Jesus Christ Superstar
On the Lord's Day, May 18, 2008, John Pittman Hey delivered a sermon titled "Our Lord Jesus Christ is Not Just Some Superstar - He is the Lord of Glory!"
In this sermon, Mr. Hey outlined the church's reasons for opposing the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar," and called upon believers to oppose the upcoming production by the Greenwood Little Theater.
The sermon contains detailed quotations from the opera to demonstrate its blasphemy, along with much Scripture which clearly refutes the claims made in it.
To obtain a PDF transcript of the message, click here (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader). To listen to the sermon, click the play arrow button in the player below:
A Summary of the Sermon
Within a fortnight, our little community will see the presentation of the blasphemous and filthy "rock opera" by Webber and Rice titled "Jesus Christ Superstar."
As Believers who dearly love our Savior, we will stand opposed to this false gospel. It is particularly ironic that the youth pastor of one of our largest liberal churches will be playing the lead role as Jesus.
But the Jesus and the Gospel of Superstar are not the Jesus and Gospel of the Holy Scriptures. While some attempt to rationalize the play's departure from the truth of Scripture by claiming it is meant to be "from Judas' perspective," in fact Superstar's lies reflect the unregenerate minds and hearts of its authors, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Both have claimed the Bible is erroneous, and both declared they do not believe Jesus is the Son of God, the Savior of the world.
Webber and Rice reject the Gospel message of the incarnation and substitutionary death of Christ at Calvary. Their play substitutes a lie that Christ was confused about his identity and purpose and angry at God for forcing him to die without any good reason.
The play lies about Judas' true motive in betraying Jesus. It lies about Mary Magdalene, accusing her of prostitution and an immoral physical relationship with Jesus.
The play lies about the Savior, by placing in His mouth false claims of who He is, and denying His willingness to save His people by dying in their place at Calvary.
The Scriptures warn against the danger of despising and mocking God. They declare Jesus to be the King of Glory unto Whom every knee shall bow.
Our message to sinners is this: reject Superstar, and receive the Lord of Glory!